It is quite a long time I have been asking myself several questions relating to surrounding environments, that is, both living(sorrounding society) and non-living environment. These questions have become my day to day challenges as the University student, which I hope it is through these challenging questions I will reach my final destination.
          The most challenging question which has been confusing my brain is “Does this phrase fair to me?”. When you move around sorrounding society you will several hear this phrase “University professionals” being referred to students at the University level. It becomes very difficult to me judge whether I qualify to be called as the University professional with regard to what I have done to my sorrounding society so as to satisfy this phrase. The civil rights leader;J.R, Martin Luther King said;
           “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and
              to think critically...............Intelligence plus character-that is the goal
              of true education”.
Several questions arise such as ; Do we use our University education to think critically?, Do we use our University education to overcome social problems?, Do we use our acquired intelligence to be deterministic to future development of our nation?, Do we use our University education to eliminate social crime? Or instead of this we have been accelerator of social degradation(social decay)? Do we use our University education to discover new ways of agricultural development? My answer to these questions is between “Yes” and “No”.
         The French philosopher and mathematicians; Pascal Blaise said;
                  “There  are two major kinds of people; namely; seekers and
My  hope at this level is to have many seekers rather than non-seekers. Being the seeker doesn't involve depending only on Lecturers' handouts and “simbi” but it involves searching of different literatures which will help us to be real “University professionals” which will also  be determined by our action within our society.
                   “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and people who
                      mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with
                      the power which knowledge gives”(The late President of U.S.A; James Madison).
             The question comes, Have we used or do we use our University knowledge to govern ourselves?. My answer is between “Yes” and “No”. Let us now stand  upright to make sure that we become our own governors by taking the symbol of acquired knowledge at the University level so as to control our daily life challenges in our society.