It is once again I come to present my idea in form of disposable ink. It is my hope that the last two articles portrayed something to you that can help you and l to shape our society since it is only you and l that will make the changes which we want to see “let us start now.”
Every one of us wherever he/she is makes the part and parcel of our Nation's total population. Being located in different locations of this nation, every person has his/her experience on this nation and her economic, social and political level. Some of us say that this nation is the best place to live in while others say that it is the hostile and hard place to live in. I respect all but can we all come into the same argument that our nation is “a better place as the better nation” to live in?
You and I make the part of this nation not only because of what we have but because of our responsibility to make this nation the better place to live in. We all come from different tribes which are all located within this country no matter which language we use since we are all coordinated by Kiswahili language.
If the whole nation is our big family we don't have to rise up swords each other, we don't have to let some of us die with hunger while we are keeping our surplus in granaries, we don't have to discriminate ourselves, we don't have to murder, abuse, misuse and dominate our shares. Our involvement in these evils will mean that we are not making our nation better to live in but bitter and hostile place. Why bitter and hostile place and not a better place to live in?
Let all of us understand that our nation is full of; holes that needs to be filled, many broken hearts that needs to be healed and poverty that we need to find out its resolutions. It's now the time that every one of us has to break fences which are used to protect social evils that makes our nation be the hostile, difficulty and hard place to live in rather being the better place to live in.

Sitting and looking at our nation and the prevailing evils without taking any action we be incomplete, incompetent and will not lead us anywhere. We don't have to wait until things become worse but we have to do something every one according to his/her position, status and ethnic. The Late President of U.S.A James Madson said “Be the changes you want to see”, it is your time and my time to change by hating prevailing evils and finding out their resolutions. Let us start now, “We don't have to wait for tomorrow since We don't know about it”.